Improving Balance, Coordination, and Muscle Function Using The Brain

What Is Neurosage All About?

Neurosage is a non-invasive computer software program that is designed to improve balance and coordination. Light and sound stimulate the brain and has been used for years in therapeutic benefits. Different frequencies of light and sound produce different effects. For example, Alpha range visual and auditory stimulation reduces the perception of pain. Other frequencies induce a parasympathetic or relaxed state. This process is named Systemic Neural Adaption, which involves the intentional change of the body's system over time.

How Does Neurosage Work?

Systemic Natural Adaptation uses visual, physical, and auditory stimulus to intentionally change the function of the body overtime by carefully applied neural stimulus for neurochemical activation. It does this via manipulation of the neurotransmitters Dopamine and Serotonin. It targets specific areas of the brain that communicate with the sensors and receptors located throughout the body, which run the entire length of the body’s vast network of nerve pathways and act as electro-chemical inputs and outputs.

Dopamine and Serotonin are vital components in processes related to human physiological conditions, and control many processes and organs in the body that regulate its function. They communicate with the brain to ensure that the movements, emotions, and processes associated with cognition and mood are carried out in a controlled way. Science has proven that raising levels of dopamine and serotonin in the body can produce dramatic beneficial results in cognitive ability and performance.

When our production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin becomes compromised, we experience a breakdown in communication between the brain and the body. When this happens it causes the brain to send messages in an uncontrolled way, which can result in a wide variety of potentially harmful symptoms.

Symptoms That Are Managed By Neurosage





Traumatic Brain Injury

Parkinson's Disease


Speech Disorders

Loss of Balance & Motor Control


And More

Why Neurosage And Video Games?

Neurosage is emerging digital technology that utilizes video games to actively target specific areas of the brain. Using specific frequencies of light and sound, this program is showing to have a targeted effect on functions like balance, coordination and cognition.

Playing video games has become a very popular form of entertainment. It is simple to learn and can be a very rewarding pastime. Research identifies many positive effects gaming has on different areas of the brain. It has been shown to activate areas in the brain that deal with semantic memory, visual imagery, and cognitive control.

Schedule your first Neurosage session at our clinic today. 

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677 W 5300 S, Murray, UT 84123

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677 W 5300 S, Murray, UT 84123

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